In This House of Brede from Debby

By Benetech, posted on
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When ow first read this book back in college, it was just a break from my studies, at first. But as my reader and I read the book together I found myself drawn closer to God, andffa whole way of life I had never imagined. Rumer Godden wrote this novel with detail and authenticity. I believe it had a part in me converting to Catholicism. Even as a layperson I find that trying to live my life in the spirit of the Rule of St. Benedict is one of the sanest ways to live in this crazy, confusing chaotic world. Because of this book I found Saint Benedict, and his Rule. I also found wonderful people who also are laypeople and live out their lives in the spirit of the Rule of Saint Benedict, plus monks and nuns living in Benedictine communities whom I admire, and in many cases, have come to love and hold dear.

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